Well here we are just a few short days away from December at the time of writing this blog by the time you get to see it....It will be December which means December Daily! As we gush over the latest collections,
the beautiful embellishment kit from Scrapping Fun Kits, our excitement builds, hours on Pintrest pinning all the layouts, stalking the Ali Edwards Facebook group for DD Ideas....but ( isn't there always a but) there is something in the background nagging away at me. What is it? Why is it there? Why is this happening to me?
ANXEITY that is what it is ...WHY is it happening to me, not sure no explanation really it is just one of my quirks I live with, except I know what is triggering it for me this time December Daily! Yes that is right, the pressure of putting out perfect pages, beautiful albums, making sure I have the time, do something each and every day was too much for me. I tried to find a way to deal with it, OK maybe do less pages, I don't do enough Christmas stuff for me to do a DD, I am going to let down people by not doing it...all these thoughts, all this anxiety over some paper and embellishments and glue. Why is it so stressful for some and not for others? For me I think it is time, I work casual and on call I have study and I a not a very Christmas-sy person, we have a few traditions and things we do but the lead up to Christmas is a very dull one for us normally!
After a heart to heart with Raelene I decided a December memories for me would be more suited, Our usual put up the tree on the 1st December wont' be happening this year as my son will be away, Christmas shopping is pretty much done except for a few odds and ends, have a concert that is not anyway related to Christmas...not unless for some reason Jon Bon Jovi Singles me out of about 10,000 people and say's hi then all my Christmases have come at once ( a girl can dream) spending time with my best friend who I don't get to see as often as i like since she moved to Brisbane. The list goes on and very few Christmas things to put in a December Daily.
I guess I am posting this to let others know it is OK if you don't do a December Daily but make it yours for me December Memories is more easy for me, not an everyday thing, not all holiday cheer and cookie making ( I am so going to have a white Christmas one day!) It is ok if you don't do it everyday, no one is forcing you. It is so easy to get caught up in the scrapbooking world of perfect pages, with perfect photo's with the expectation of perfectionism in every layout and album you do. Guess what i am trying to say is do what is right for you this Christmas and do a DECEMBER MEMORIES ALBUM if you so choose to. I know I will be.
I will post up my photo's and stuff as I go along, and attempt a video or two LOL, that is a work in progress.
Thank you for reading this I truly hope you and your family have a safe happy holiday season.